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Mark Langley Online Horsemanship Training
To help horses return to the horse they should be – interested, motivated, travelling freely forward with life and lift – we have to train them in a way that allows them to search; that allows them to think; that opens them up for understanding.
Anyone who is wanting to be around their horse without battling.
For people who have tried different training approaches but weren't comfortable with them or found that they haven't worked
For anyone new to horse training + wanting to do the right thing by your horse
For anyone with a horse that they are really struggling with
For people interested in learning about Guiding, Following a Feel, regaining Proprioception, Following a Thought, Getting horses to Search
(and that helps stop them happen in the first place!)
FREE for 7 days - take a lookTo teach successfully your horse needs to be listening to you and it needs to be comfortable with what you ask it to do.
A movement when it is not comfortable will be braced and stiff.
A lack of understanding or clarity can lead to challenges, problems and aggression.
If your current horsemanship skills increase pressure, or cause sweating, foaming, bit chewing, fidgety
or flighty behaviour, it isn’t going to work. Problems eventually get worse.
>>> Understanding what your horse needs
or doesn’t understand
or finds hard or causes hard feelings
is key to helping it progress, not regress.
If you can provide an education that supports your horse mentally – it will start to also help itself.
Horses can, and do, self-regulate their anxiety.
They can make good, sensible decisions.
They can be a willing, soft partner.
But you need to be providing good Education for them to do that.
One that will Improve your relationship with deep trust.
Training that is adaptable to each horse + moment
Join 1000s of others learning from MLH OnlineMy whole training philosophy considers how horses feel emotionally: how they feel about us
+ how they feel about what is happening to them
or around them.
I teach these things because I know that most common horse training methods don’t use them – and the results are horses that are obedient but that carry tension. There are ways to teach so that your horse can operate with a soft mindset. This is what I do.
Most horses REALLY struggle in the mosh-pit of our human world.
It’s a harsh fact.
Most horses that come to my clinics are shut down or shutting down.
They are anxious – not just because they are in a new place
– but anxious about pressure or reins or legs or the trailer.
These are all things that can be helped but they are often overlooked because so much training seeks mechanical obedience.
It saddens me immensely that people don’t realise the mental affect that training can cause.
So this membership is not about me.
It’s about you and what you can do differently that will help your horse.
A happy horse = a happier you.
I have tried and thrown away many horse training methods. I understand how they work, and why they are easy to teach people. I just now know much better ways of teaching horses. For the past 20 years, I have dabbled with directing a horse’s thought. Now I also change a horse’s mindset – one from shutting out to being open and aware. I can see when a horse is carrying a mental block and when it is translating through to a rushy trot or a fidgety stand; or a reluctance to throw the correct canter lead. Getting your horse to tire in a round yard won’t help your horse to understand your reins and turn better. Identifying what your horse is struggling with right now, will. Because if you can release some of that anxiety, it will be more open to learn.
Suitable for every horse owner: from Beginners to Advanced people/ horses
There are sections from Starting through to Rein Positions and Body Control under saddle.
Tried and tested over decades to work on all horses that reduce emotional + physical brace.
Learn new practical techniques that use feel and guiding.
Improve your skills and presence through clear “do’s” and “don’ts”, tips, guidance, knowledge of affects and signs to watch for.
AUD $20/mth USD $13/mth
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Challenge Series taking you through Marks Key Concepts
Free Video Reviews of your training
Suitable for all riders, all horses & disciplines
Training Videos & Series
Starting horses + Foal handling Series
Releasing & Understanding Brace Series
Psychology & Philosophy for a happier horse Explanation Videos
Learn to How to Create Personal Space Effectively
Train by Getting Horses to Go towards their thoughts
Helping Shut Down Horses
Correcting Connection Disability/ Separation Anxiety
Liberty Series
Long Reining Series
Insights to Check on your horse's Foundation
Building Trust Series
Learn the Essentials of Leading
Reduce Leading Evasions (eg rearing)
Help horses damaged from Driving Pressure
How to Load + Travel Safely Series
Gain Balance and Body Control
How to Improve Transitions Series
Reduce Magnetism Series
Watch the Progression
12 months for price of 10 (USD $10.50/mth)
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$240 Reduced price get 12 months for the price of 10 billed annually at AUD $199 (USD $126)
Training Series + Challenge Series
Train with the Psychology needed to be Effective
+700 training videos
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Yes! We have a whole section on Float Loading and Preparation for travelling. I’ve helped many horses that have chronic loading issues.
In some areas, I am the opposite to what most people have learned through “natural horsemanship” or horsemanship that uses methods. I teach you alternatives to methods or blanket approaches that I know are the cause behind many issues. I’ll teach you how to use feel and guiding pressure so that your horse understands + is comfortable with them (as oppose to adding more pressure). I’ll teach you how to recognise brace and reduce it (as oppose to moving body parts around that are tense + not connected to their thoughts).
Horse’s are not simple. Nor are the solutions to problems. Often there are layers of things that will need to be addressed; MLH Online will give you insights to look into your horse in detail. To find a specific video, or help on a specific topic, use the Search Bar + put in the keys words like “biting”.
Yes! We have entire sections dedicated to ground skills, leadership skills, + understanding psychology. Learning from the beginning is sometimes easier than unlearning!
We also have the Challenge Series which will walk you through, step by step, through Mark’s core training concepts.
Yes! Once you start it, you keep access to all of it’s content for as long as you are a Member. So you can go back and re-do it or take a long as you want to.
We wanted fundamentally to help as many horses as we could. To us, making something financially accessible was important to help more people.
We have an entire section on Young Horse Handling and Starting as well as progressing through saddle preparation. There’s also a whole section on Long Reining which will also help with your horse’s understanding and processing of having you on different eyes behind them.
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