There is no step by step method. It is much more of an approach, guided by certain principles.
To help you navigate why I have deliberately set the MLH Membership up like this, here’s some helpful tips, hints and reminders.
Feel free to print them out.
None of the information contained in this page is complete – I have kept it simple. I may have missed out some things; and perhaps some points may be unclear to you – but come back, refer to it again, and perhaps it will help direct your training and where to look on the Membership for support.
There are many things to consider when training. Each horse is different. And they present different things at different times.
Training by a method will lead to overlooking; not addressing; or misreading a situation. It simply could present an irrelevant training path for your horse or you – with undesirable affects (like your horse not valuing your leadership; lack of clarity; lack of confidence from not acknowledging their lack of understanding).
So instead, How You Train depends on You and Your Horse.
Some of the things that may influence what you do or how effective you are, are detailed below.
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I encourage you to understand some of my training principles – take a look at the Philosophy + Psychology videos as well as start the Challenge.
If you are short on time, the flow chart below will give you some training areas to perhaps consider – each area links directly to a training video – which might be just one in a whole series of them – so remember, each area opens up a whole raft of potential other areas to also work on…. hence understanding some of my philosophy will help in your approach.
Take a look at ground work. Even if you feel they are fine in groundwork and your issues are mainly under saddle. It is easier to isolate areas to work on in groundwork because your horse is less likely to be influenced by the additional stress that having a rider/ being outside can cause. Remember, the more anxious a horse, the more the wheels come off.
I have found it easier to teach a new concept from the ground, then transfer it to under saddle.
Simplifying + slowing down, will help you to identify a weak area.
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