Exercise 2

Exercise 2 – The Cat Walk

Key takeaways:

  • This is great for helping horses to be softer
  • Even a bit of feel should focus your horse
  • Do it in small amounts so each movement is thoughtful
  • There should be no destinating and no rushing

Nice work! You’ve just completed Effective Training: Part 1!


What’s next?

This Course is Part 1 of 3 in this Effective Training Series.
– Effective Training Part 2: How Your Attitude can Improve your Training
– Effective Training Part 3: Specific Techniques to use in Training

(Parts 2 + 3 are coming soon!)

For those of you who are MLH Online Members, if you are keen to keep working on what these exercises lead up to – watch my Leading Series with Coco, where I taught her to “unlock” in the lead.

The Essential Leading Series has lots of videos on this – you might want to work on softness or focus or teaching a young horse how to lead for the first time…there are videos on all of this in this section.


This course has covered Awareness and Sensitivity in horses. Confidence, Magnetism and Destinating (long thoughts) also strongly affect a horse’s mindset. If you want to look into these more, go to these videos on the Membership:

For insights into building confidence:

The Runaway Mare Series
Building Confidence in a little black pony Series

For insights into reducing Destinating thoughts or Magnetism:

Take a look at the Correcting Connection Disability Section

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