Lesson 5: Proprioception

5. Part i: Understanding Proprioception & How it underlines What is Happening

Proprioception definition

The perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body

Every animal has it. It helps us to balance; to touch our face with our eyes closed. It helps us to be aware of what our body parts are doing and how they move to coordinate an action.

What I have noticed is that horses that aren’t in a good mindset, have poor proprioception. Once I have helped them access a different mindset, their proprioception improves significantly.



  • Frozen or shut out horses don’t have very good proprioception
  • Signs of poor proprioception include: dull, leaning, lethargy, heavy, slow, rushy horses
  • They also might not pick up their feet properly, they might clamber in a trailer

Changing a horse’s mindset can open up their proprioception
which in turn gives them more confidence + ability

5. Part ii: Example

Key Takeaways:

  • It’s not good enough to notice what your horse can’t do. Understand that they are struggling. If you can help them to have a different mindset, you can open them up – mentally to learn and physically to move better.


Part iii: Watch a shut down horse start to open up

Key takeaways

  • A horse that is shutting out or is shut down will be quite frozen
  • In this video I start to open him up so that he starts to look, sniff, and soften
  • Previous to this, he was upright, stiff and rigid
  • Towards the end you can see that he is much looser – especially in the base of his neck
  • Once a horse is more open, they are able to take on new thoughts more easily
  • Pressure should be seen as an opportunity

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Start Exercise 2