Lesson 4: Directing a Thought

4. How you can Direct your Horse’s Thought + Understanding more about what causes a Negative Mindset

The rein is a direct connection to your horse’s brain.

If we can get a horse to be engaged in what we are asking them to do, they will think through the rein or rope guidance and forward into a decision making process.

Key Takeaways:

  • We are not trying to do a biomechanical, correct movement
  • The rein can create a Search, then a Thought, then a Movement
  • Horses should move towards their Thoughts. not away from pressure
  • Don’t use a rein to get a horse to think towards you – it is only for following feel

Adapting your training to suit your horse’s needs is the something I’d like for you to do first in your training.
Next time you get frustrated or downhearted, say “How can I help?”

Now let’s try something practical!

Start Exercise 1