2. Practical Tips for YOU to apply

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The start of empowering horses in your training.
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Some things to think about to gain awareness + why it is important
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Some things to think about to establish yourself and build confidence in you. What we are aiming for.
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What this means
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Your attitude has a huge affect! Have this in your head when it all goes wrong.
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The words we have in our minds can affect how we train and how we perceive things....try to stay positive and understand that most problems are caused by horses not being able to release anxiety.
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A short explanation of how I want you to increase your clarity + be firm in your position
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Fundamentally crucial: please, really really try not to drive your horse in any way by adding your energy into them
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One example of how you can give your horse Responsibility
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I start to introduce this horse to guiding; then search + steer; then I discover a brace which explains some of his behaviour. One thing leads to another.
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Some concepts to consider when using a flag
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What you need to look at if your horses is aggressive. Different approaches are needed for different situations. If your horse shows any signs of aggression or narky behaviour, take a look at this to help you understand how to help.
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