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How to use the reins accurately to lift the wither and loosen the jaw in a turn. This helps to stop bearing down on the forehand and falling in.
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First part in a follow up lesson from a previously very rushy horse that came to a longer clinic. Working on getting a forward thought; with exercises that you can try to improve flow.
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This horse is heavy on his forehand when the rein is released. This lesson shows how to create life and balance in the inside turning rein. Also releasing with accuracy and flow rather than jumping out of a turn.
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Advancing flow to gain perpetual motion. Shows how to avoid leaks, use an increasing and decreasing rein; getting a horse to carry itself.
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Understanding body control through rein positions and how to Create Perpetual Motion
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Using the reins to create search and let go of magnetism - building flow in a horse that has become dull
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This is a worried mare who was frightened of the reins.
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4 videos in series.

Under saddle. Improving body control and softness.
See videos in series
Backing a turn with the reins - helping him to find his balance + gain confidence
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Marvel series: Yielding the wither out with the inside rein
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Freeing up the hind quarter in the back up
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Stopping the inside front foot from planting
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Using reins to redirect a thought
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Explaining the core rein positions
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Improving Steering + Impulsion: offering responsibility with legs and reins
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Video review
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Helping a mare that has been carried by legs and reins to have desire and search
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Helping a young anxious mare get confidence
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Connecting with a Brumby (part 2) - Connecting with the reins to tip out her worry when she gets anxious under saddle
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Letting go of a strong gaze using direct leading rein
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Connecting with a Brumby part 3: Using the previous rein techniques to move with me and not destinate
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Following a dressage mare (part 2)
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Marvel ridden work (4): How to use the reins to direct sideways: leg yielding with reins on Marvel
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Carrying a softer bend into the circle & freeing up the shoulders
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Helping a younger horse that puts his head low become lighter in the front (ridden)
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Helping a horse with a hard eye + evasiveness: improving frame, life and following feel
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Worried cow horse (part 1): moving softly into the rein on a horse that rushes on forehand in turns
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Helping shut down stiff horse: Exercises to stop shoulders falling in
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Helping a sensitive mouthed head tossing mare
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Following the reins
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Quietening head toss with head pressure (head hug)
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Following the rein control series
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Long reining 4: 1st time in a bit
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Rein foundation series continued
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Rein foundation series (4)
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Rein control with focus on the shoulders
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HQ engagement & lifting the shoulders, + running backwards + Q & A
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Worried cow horse (part 2): Using the back up & hindquarter turns to help improve balance
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In depth: Moving shoulders out with the inside rein
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Moving Hind Quarter over with the inside rein
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Centreing a horse underneath us and riding with intention
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Teaching Gracie to walk very slowly
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Turn on the Hindquarter with open rein
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Creating interest in reins & Centreing with the reins at a trot
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Back up to an open rein (don't hold your horse up) - fix the brace
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Getting a troubled ex sporting mare to be calmer with rein pressure
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Teaching an open rein and the start of a turn on the hindquarter
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Gaining better control of inside hind through rein
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Teaching a horse to move its hips with an indirect rein
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The angle of the indirect rein
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Using an inside rein to slow a horse that rushes in a trot
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Understanding and applying aids: Seminar
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