Going Towards their Thoughts

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Increasing Processing Speed for a horse that is ready to take on more.
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Showing a brumby that hooks on and freezes to search and find movement at liberty
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This is a lesson I did with a horse that focusses away and destinates as soon as he passes you. I call them "targeters". They are always over focussing. I wanted to help him to soften and go towards his thoughts.
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Helping a rushy horse find the hindquarter yield. This horse is super sensitive to pressure and will fight to make pressure release.
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The importance of committing to the rein. What I am looking for in a thought change.
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Helping a highly trained liberty horse go towards their thoughts.
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The importance of getting a horse to think away (lunging ideas)
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Directing a horses thought under saddle
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Lunging tips on a horse that wants to leave the circle
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Helping a warmblood that gazes to think (groundwork and at liberty)
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Helping a rescued ex-racehorse move forward softly (which he hasn't done for 3.5 yrs)
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Teaching a yearling to lead past - in depth
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Helping a young mare to open up her thoughts who is sour to the legs
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