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Can you take your horse to another clinic and just not do some of the exercises? Will it matter if you do? And a look into helping one mare who is being trained in ways that are likely to be making her difficult to move forwards.
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Specific strategies to use to help keep anyone with a Testing Horse; and how to keep a horse's focus at the trot in a lunge...or not....if you do this - do listen.
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Understanding Heavy Horses, how they are often misunderstood, with training tips for a 17hh horse that drags people + a Clydesdale that is anxious and anticipates.
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How to use the reins accurately to lift the wither and loosen the jaw in a turn. This helps to stop bearing down on the forehand and falling in.
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How to help a nervous, rescue mini be approached at liberty. He is very scared of people coming up to him and he is scared of their energy.
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Increasing Processing Speed for a horse that is ready to take on more.
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Turning Stress into a Softening: How we can educate horses to manage themselves especially for situations we cannot recreate at home (like a race or a big event). Insights into how this training has effected his young horses. Plus Training advice for a horse that is sensitive to movement from above and behind.
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Helping a young horse go faster into forward but without resistance and brace; and advice for a horse that is learning collection and elevation but still has a tight jaw.
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Help for an ex barrel racing mare that now falls apart when asked to trot; and for an older rescue mare who struggles with strange people
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