Fundamental Groundwork Techniques

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I see so many horses that have fractured problems because they missed a detail in the rope or the reins. Understand a little more about how important Leading is.
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Identifying how hard this exercise is; identifying a brace; how I use my rope - and what I want your horse to do at first: just Search + Steer
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In depth talkover: ground work exercise to help us be centred and to help nervous or anxious horses
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Teaching feel - with rope handling skills included
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Going through the techniques involved in effective leading including body language, feel, gaining their thoughts.
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A short explanation of what I look for in horses: braces. These can be physical and mental.
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Things to look at to Assess how Comfortable your Horse really is with you around it. Working a wary horse.
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Creating Confidence: a lesson I encourage everyone to check their horse can do
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Some things to check before you ride a horse after a spell or just generally
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