Helping Shut Down Horses

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Helping a tight brumby with a thick wall of resistance and un-adjustable mind and body to have a new mindset.
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Opening Up + Reconnecting at Liberty and then on the lead. Good for Connecting, Catching, and Understanding a Horse's Mental needs to stay Soft and Empowered
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Helping this horse to become more aware of the reins and legs
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My horse has turned into a "no" horse
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With commentary
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Helping a shut down, frozen horse
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Helping a kids pony that shuts out to pressure: the value of waiting and also helping her to connect with rein pressure.
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Shut out pony (part 2): Helping them to search - building softness + confidence
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Helping a horse that explodes Part 1: At liberty - think towards me instead of tap out
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Helping a horse that explodes Part 2: thinking away from me and travelling thoughtfully at liberty
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Helping a warmblood that gazes to think (groundwork and at liberty)
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Helping a rescued ex-racehorse move forward softly (which he hasn't done for 3.5 yrs)
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