Following anxious horse (3)

Following Merlin: Day 3 - feeling good about being directed at liberty

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At Liberty


Opening Up + Reconnecting at Liberty and then on the lead. Good for Connecting, Catching, and Understanding a Horse's Mental needs to stay Soft and Empowered
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Showing a brumby that hooks on and freezes to search and find movement at liberty
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Helping a nervous Brumby (wild) pony: getting him confident with having me down his sides (at liberty)
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Helping an anxious horse, who has been round penned & driven, deal with pressure
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Following Merlin: day 2
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Following Merlin: Day 3 - feeling good about being directed at liberty
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Following Merlin: Day 4 - learning guiding + eye balancing at liberty
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Helping a fidgety mare. Connecting on the ground and softening to the saddle blanket & reins under saddle. Offering an alternative to tipping out her worry and soften.
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