
Correcting a crooked backup

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Backing up


Helping a hot, over flexed barrel racing mare to soften
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Softening and teaching to back up in horse that has possibly been head jerked. Also helping her to feel better about lunging.
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Freeing up the hind quarter in the back up
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Helping a stock horse mare with a strong gaze and brace commit to the back up
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Improving a bracey back up
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Correcting a crooked backup
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In depth: Backing up for turn on HQ + use of supporting rein
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Finding the back up with the seat & finding a flowing walk
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Teaching feel in a halter with a bit of pressure; leading outside for the first time
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Helping a wobbly back up
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Video review: Ridden tips on using the flag to help search in the back up
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Transition skills: stop to a back up
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Back up to an open rein (don't hold your horse up) - fix the brace
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Quietening a horse to the reins & improving the back up & stop
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