Balance & Body Control

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Advancing flow to gain perpetual motion. Shows how to avoid leaks, use an increasing and decreasing rein; getting a horse to carry itself.
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1st lesson in working on Canter Transitions: improving awareness, being on time for faster rein + leg changes, taking the push out of the reins. Full lesson from a 6 day Intensive Clinic.
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The start of body control and rein positions on a restart that has been done using my philosophy. In depth full lesson from a 6 day Intensive Clinic.
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Showing how the slow walk and HQ yield can effect collection and body control in a positive way
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In helping this horse to get back in balance, I work on flow and perpetual motion, whilst also opening up the forehand
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Helping a horse who is over sensitive to legs to trust the legs
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Helping a lethargic horse who doesn't pick it's feet up through the legs and rein to improve balance and awareness.
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Full lesson of me training this gazy ex race horse who has a stiff, rushy trot into soft body control and steering. A lot in this one!
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Getting better impulsion by understanding the brace that slowing down through the reins causes
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Great groundwork exercise to try
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Bringing horse that buries down up for better body control and carriage
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Helping a hot, over flexed barrel racing mare to soften
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Good for lateral work in hand
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Relaxation + Preparation for balanced sideways movement and softening for the HQ yield.
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Helping a slightly dull horse to stop bearing down in the front
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Long reining with the saddle, freeing up his feet and softening
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Do one thing at a time
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Helping a young horse to find steering and movement
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How to give your horse room to step across
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Helping a big brace in front and base of neck
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In depth: teaching HQ & FQ turns & better body control
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In depth: More on FQ + putting HQ & FQ yield together
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Softening body and mind in a young dressage mare (part 1)
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Following a dressage mare (part 2)
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Marvel ridden work (4): How to use the reins to direct sideways: leg yielding with reins on Marvel
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Lateral work with Marvel (3): Using the slow walk to prepare for lateral work
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Carrying a softer bend into the circle & freeing up the shoulders
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Worried cow horse (part 1): moving softly into the rein on a horse that rushes on forehand in turns
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Helping a warmblood to lead into the HQ yield
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Helping horses at the mounting block
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Trotting - loosening & lengthening a tight show pony (part 1)
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Trotting - loosening & lengthening a tight show pony (part 2)
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Body control through reins (on Gracie)
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Worried cow horse (part 2): Using the back up & hindquarter turns to help improve balance
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Relaxing & balancing an anxious, bendy mare with reins + seat
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Steering inside the invisible prison
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Gaining better control of inside hind through rein
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First lesson in starting to move the HQ with legs
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Shoulder control with reins, stopping him leaking out
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Ground work
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Teaching a horse to move its hips with an indirect rein
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Getting a horse to hover calmly/ find an open rein
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Teaching a braced horse to move, turn and balance
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The angle of the indirect rein
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Educating an ex-pacer who kicks other horses he doesn't like
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Moving hips on a horse that doesn't like legs
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How I apply the reins to gain connection with a previously highly anxious horse
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