The effect of Driving

The effect of driving and getting confidence to circle

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Helping Horses Damaged from Driving Pressure


In depth talkover: ground work exercise to help us be centred and to help nervous or anxious horses
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A feature length lesson looking at a variety of ways to help improve processing and confidence around people, opening her up to search
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Helping a horse that has had a driving pressure foundation through creating caution and awareness around people as well as trust in guiding pressure
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Undoing round-penning and thinking energy means go away. Teaching him to think and engage under pressure.
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Teaching following a feel; getting soft feel of the belly rope
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Insight into how a horse perceives pressure
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FIGHTING FIRE WITH FIRE: Helping a horse that has become scared of driving pressure to have more confidence under pressure - helping them to trust us.
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Helping a mare that has a tendency to crab away at the mounting block
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With commentary
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A sensitive horse that has been driven. Ground skills.
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Helping a mare become more centred with the lead rope, using the flag.
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Building confidence in a very frightened station horse. Encouraging him to think away and leave and come back.
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The effect of driving and getting confidence to circle
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Offering a pathway to a better feeling: helping a horse driven & frightened by pressure
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Helping an anxious mare search into us for connection then trust feel
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Opening up & gaining connection at liberty + helping a horse scared of driving pressure
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Using long reining to help a shut down horse that has always been pushed with pressure to think and search
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Helping a horse that has been frightened by bad ground work feel better about guiding (good for lunging)
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Helping a horse that runs from worry on one eye: building feel then building lunging
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Helping a performance trained (cooked) horse reconnect with her owner
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Helping an anxious horse, who has been round penned & driven, deal with pressure
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Following Merlin: day 2
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Following Merlin: Day 3 - feeling good about being directed at liberty
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Following Merlin: Day 4 - learning guiding + eye balancing at liberty
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Teaching his owner to guide with feel, with soft energy
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Following black pony 2: building confidence and teaching draw
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Helping a horse with a hard eye + evasiveness: improving frame, life and following feel
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Worried cow horse (part 1): moving softly into the rein on a horse that rushes on forehand in turns
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Gaining focus and offering leadership
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Worried cow horse (part 2): Using the back up & hindquarter turns to help improve balance
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Video review helping to focus, connect, position correctly
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