Long reining 1

Long reining 1: The first principles - teaching a very green horse to cast, leave, and flow

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Long Reining


5 videos in series.

See videos in series
Introducing long reins for the first time: helping to work in a confined space close up
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Using long reins to get an anxious bracey horse to become comfortable and loose inside the boundaries of reins
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Preparation for Long Reining - tips on how to best handle the ropes, with this exercise that prepares both horse and human
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Helping Marvel follow the long reins and get comfortable with me in different positions. Understanding more about Marvel's lack of confidence.
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Long reining with the saddle, freeing up his feet and softening
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Helping a shut down, frozen horse
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Improving destination thoughts and separation anxiety through the use of long reins
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Using long reining to help a shut down horse that has always been pushed with pressure to think and search
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Unstarted Waler Part 1: Helping her become more confident moving around + away (great prep for long reining)
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