Correcting Connection Disability (Anxiety)

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Understanding a horse's focus
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Helping a young warmblood to centre (ground work). Teaching him to move and think around danger to become better at regulating anxiety.
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How I centred a distracted, bouncy, OTT.
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Anxious defensive warmblood part 1: helping to settle using intention and distraction
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Helping to centre + give responsibility to a highly strung, anxious young eventing mare
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Helping a mare become more centred with the lead rope, using the flag.
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Quietening anxiety (ground)
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Watch the progression: Reducing anxiety with Marvel (1)
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Improving destination thoughts and separation anxiety through the use of long reins
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Getting Marvel to think away from his mates
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Following Marvel: Helping young horse to leave the yards and ride out with confidence and connection
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Improving a quiet walk with a busy mouth & high head carriage: video review
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Tipping out the worry (2): ridden - thinking into the rein to help her anxiety
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Using the flag to regain a connection
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Helping an older horse who can buck in transitions: gaining confidence + flow
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Tipping out the worry & allowing search in an anxious mare (includes lateral flexion to find to balance)
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Letting go of a strong gaze using direct leading rein
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Using a flag to regain connection
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Gaining a connection and balancing the brain
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Leaving a sticky spot (separation anxiety)
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Teaching calmness and strength to reduce anxiety. Building connection.
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Helping a forward focused mare to connect in the trot
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Distracting & settling a mare with separation anxiety to connect
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Using the flag to distract and centre an anxious horse
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Advice to help a horse that weaves when left alone in the stable: video review
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Part 1
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Gaining focus and offering leadership
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In a horse that kicks
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Encouraging a busy minded forward mare to centre and move thoughtfully
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Helping a fidgety mare. Connecting on the ground and softening to the saddle blanket & reins under saddle. Offering an alternative to tipping out her worry and soften.
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Centreing and quietening an anxious horse
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Helping ex pacer with separation anxiety to find canter
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Seminar recording: Helping "horizon" horses out on trail
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