Releasing Brace (1)

With full commentary, follow this ex pacer as I reduce his brace and freeze and turn it into flow under saddle.

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Releasing Brace & Understanding Brace


Helping a tight brumby with a thick wall of resistance and un-adjustable mind and body to have a new mindset.
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Opening up a frozen nervous system through leading, unlocking freeze, improving flow and softness, lifting her wither and creating a soft, collected walk
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Ridden exercises to help
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Helping this horse by empowering him with movement and freeing up his brace
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This is a very gazy and bracey polo x mare that rushed away from legs due to painful spurring. In this lesson I try to help her to connect, trust and soften to ribcage pressure - using the belly rope.
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Helping a worried braced horse trust the rein. This is a horse who has been taught lateral flexion and worries about pressure.
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Freeing up the front in a horse that bends and freezes.
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Helping with becoming more sensitive and soft in the ribs to the belly rope.
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This lesson shows improving leg transitions an introducing the owner back to their horse
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Getting better impulsion by understanding the brace that slowing down through the reins causes
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Softening a bracey, worried polocross mare with leg and rein; loosening the base of her neck
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Freeing up brace in hind quarter and forequarter to create flow in the reins
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Teaching a rearing a horse an alternative through freedom of movement and thought
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Helping a horse to soften and seek safety through movement
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Exercise to loosen the feet and lift the wither
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Helping a slightly dull horse to stop bearing down in the front
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Stopping the inside front foot from planting
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Improving a bracey back up
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Understanding the detail needed to get this right
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With full commentary, follow this ex pacer as I reduce his brace and freeze and turn it into flow under saddle.
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Undersaddle: following the rein into movement
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Teaching the indirect rein
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The final video in this series shows the results with commentary explaining what I am looking for
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Ideas on what to look out for and how to help
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Ex polo cross, jumping horse that has become very stiff
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Helping distract a hard thought: this is a mare with a very sensitive barrel
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Helping a big brace in front and base of neck
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Encouraging a horse to rebalance softly: using indirect pressure
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Distracting a hard thought: a horse that is angry towards the saddle
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Addressing brace & centreing a mare at 8 day intensive clinic (ridden)
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Video Review: improving high head carriage & brace
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Good for understanding balance + reins; fixing her brace
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Helping a traumatized horse that is frightened to bend in turn
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Helping a younger horse that puts his head low become lighter in the front (ridden)
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Helping shut down stiff horse: Exercises to stop shoulders falling in
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Quietening head toss with head pressure (head hug)
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Helping a rigid horse to loosen up
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Helping a worried braced horse to guide softly and change direction through feel
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Loosening a stiff horse through the reins and shoulder control - part i
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Loosening a stiff horse through the reins and shoulder control - part ii
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Getting a troubled ex sporting mare to be calmer with rein pressure
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Video review: helping gain connection on a ride with a horse that tosses his head
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Quietening a horse to the reins & improving the back up & stop
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