Q & A Sessions

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Can you take your horse to another clinic and just not do some of the exercises? Will it matter if you do? And a look into helping one mare who is being trained in ways that are likely to be making her difficult to move forwards.
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Specific strategies to use to help keep anyone with a Testing Horse; and how to keep a horse's focus at the trot in a lunge...or not....if you do this - do listen.
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Understanding Heavy Horses, how they are often misunderstood, with training tips for a 17hh horse that drags people + a Clydesdale that is anxious and anticipates.
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Turning Stress into a Softening: How we can educate horses to manage themselves especially for situations we cannot recreate at home (like a race or a big event). Insights into how this training has effected his young horses. Plus Training advice for a horse that is sensitive to movement from above and behind.
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Helping a young horse go faster into forward but without resistance and brace; and advice for a horse that is learning collection and elevation but still has a tight jaw.
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Help for an ex barrel racing mare that now falls apart when asked to trot; and for an older rescue mare who struggles with strange people
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Is it better to Expose Young Minds? How to Make Training Positive? Advice for what to do bringing a horse back into work; and can an older horses habit's be changed?
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When to use a flag and for what purpose; how to get past common problems (unreactive/ aggressive) when the flag doesn't seem to work; why the flag can help IF used in the right way
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What you can do when your horse isn't happy about being caught or is starting to show signs of aggression/ changes between being at liberty to being in a halter
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Advice for when to start to add leg for forward; how to get forward in the long reins; how to help prepare a horse for eye ointment and how to help a horse afraid of the curtain closing in a trailer.
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This weeks Q & A: Advice for a 16yr old horse who fights in the bit & gets racey; a 10yr old who can’t back up softly; a horse that gets anxious in the arena but not a forest; and a horse that won’t wait quietly in a trailer.
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Answering questions relating to the Challenge; helping a horse that won't go into trot; advice for a horse that won't move; and improving confidence with bridges
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How Clicker Training works, and a look into positive and negative reinforcement and positive punishment. Some of the draws and concerns with clicker training.
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My thoughts on how influential a negative mindset is: it is the problem behind most horses that I see. Understanding how to recognise and change this. Explanations, insights and advice to help with any horse that is girthy or sensitive around it's barrel (even to legs); also tips for picking up feet with training exercises to help
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How we can influence horses that are nervous of us; how we can use a flag with an aggressive horse; why a horse might be pawing with groundwork and advice for a horse that can get quite up with other horses whilst being led. Also how to use nose-bags.
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Plus some general Training Theory Advice: should you wait for a chew?; should you allow time off?; and my pre-flight check
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Specific advice for regaining + retaining a horse's thoughts: for a horse easily distracted in a stable; to better connect in the back up; and for an anxious older horse that doesn't let go of things for long
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Q & A on Pushiness: Advice for improving pushy behaviour at feeding time and for a pushy horse out on trail; and what I pay attention to when I don't know the history of a horse
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How to go back to the Beginning - Exercises to do + what to watch for
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Explaining why an anxious horse + a horse in a stable bite/nip and how to help. Training exercises for a horse that refuses to walk forwards under saddle + for the progression of a horse that was impulsive/ explosive. Plus, if some horses aren't cut out for trails?
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Training advice for any horse that gets increasingly anxious away from home or refuses to go forwards with suggestions on how to build confidence and what areas to look into in the groundwork that can help provide leadership direction in anxious states
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Help with specific leading issues including: how much pressure to use to get a response to feel; how to help a pony that won't lead far from home; tips to get a horse to listen to the feel so that it stops when the feel stops
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Questions Mark answers including how to avoid micromanaging a highly anxious horse; help for a horse that runs out of the trailer; how to work on self-regulation; when mouthiness is okay and when it's not; how to re introduce the bit; and do horses have a default coping mechanism?
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Q & A that covers advice for helping a horse to trust another person + discussing treats and treat anxiety.
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Q & A that covers questions on a 2 yr old that gets nasty when asked for higher energy; a horse that gets big and the owner is struggling with guiding. Plus helping with an ultra-spook on trail (a pig) and advice for dislike of the breaching bar
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How to teach a previously shut down horse that now can be reluctant or difficult sometimes; and advice for a rescue horse who rears and strikes randomly
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Advice for a horse that won't take a single step backwards; training advice for a horse that runs back to the barn with its owner; and rugging tips
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Explanations + training tips for a previously shut down horse that now stops randomly and freezes; a competition horse that hops in the trot; and a horse that can't keep a straight line
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Advice to help with the retraining of an OTT STB who doesn't like spray or hoses; and for a pony that spins and bolts when something comes towards her. Understanding the needs of these reactions which can be defensive aggressive (fight) or flight. Plus when to retire a horse.
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Following a Feel: understanding this Term + real examples of it's context in helping a horse heavy on the lead, how best to test that they can follow a feel; and why a horse is reluctant to load despite feel.
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Helping the horses that Spook: tips for getting a horse to relax on trail + how to cope with something scary. Also, can you change a horse's personality to suit you or should you look for another horse? And interacting with a mouthy horse.
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How to connect with an angry but trapped horse and a defensive horse who has been chased; how to continue training with a horse that Mark has "opened up"; how to handle a disconnected horse
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Girthiness; turning in a side-pull; canter leads; spookiness; and new foals
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Floating + Managing Horse Over-reactions: How to help a horse that goes from anxious gaze to anxious explosive and a horse that is over-sensitive to it's back; help with getting breaching bars on or not causing leaning on them; an aggressive floater. Also whether to use a bitless bridle or not?
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Specific tips on leading a highly nervous horse and a blind horse; reducing the initial brace to a lead pressure or poll pressure; and getting a horse to think into a bend
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This episode covers Separation Anxiety, or I like to call it, Connection Disability. Offering some practical solutions with exercises to try to reducing the problems caused by it. Also, should a mare in season be in training? And advice for the times when you just have to get a horse loaded in an emergency.
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This week Mark talks about the physical and mental process he sees happen to horses when they have a shift in their mindset and are suddenly open to learning rather than disassociating or shutting out. He also examines some of the processes that we can do to help a worried horse be braver; and offers advice for anyone disheartened by their training results.
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Canter Departures going wrong out on trail; Getting a horse used to something scary behind it; a dislike for the farrier; and eye contact. This weeks Q & A
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Tips on how to get the correct Canter Lead; how to help a horse gain confidence at Obstacles; and do horses get bored with the same routine?
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How to introduce a new horse to a herd; how to stop your horse snatching grass; and how to motivate our disinterested, stoic horses
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Can my methods help improve Self-Carriage? Tips to help horses heavy on the forehand work from their hind end
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Can my methods produce a high level Reining horse? Loading tips, and What ears back might mean
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Nipping, biting, rubbing and how to know it isn't pain related?
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How to introduce a hose, gaining speed without driving, the best videos to watch when starting a younger
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Helping gazy / highly anxious horses + balancing secondary focus on both eyes
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New horse unpredictable bucking: where do you start?; and wild horse training tips from catching to saddling
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Sold as a "kid's horse" who has now reared, this session covers what to make sure you see new horses do before you buy; steps to take to build your relationship and avoid conflicts; and how to manage a horse that has reared.
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And other questions: how to get a horse used to a fly spray bottle; why Mark doesn't use the outside rein when moving the shoulders; how to retrain a horse to come off a trailer backwards; how to prepare a horse for loosing a paddock mate
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How to pick them up when they walk off; how to get a horse to pick them up in the back up - and how this is relevant to reducing brace in the face, poll and jaw!
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What body language do you look for to know when to stop a lesson?
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Help with Anxiety in new environments under saddle; running for home; and falling in
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Stopping a yearling rearing; Exercises to increase flexibility; How to Re-Connect in the paddock; and tips for using the belly rope
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Building Trust: Handling a wild horse and an older ex-Station horse
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How to help horses that are not Responding. When it is okay to big and how to do this without detriment.
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Stress: how to help. Addressing feet, playful colts, catching, floating, and under saddle
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How long can a horse concentrate for? Getting a slow horse to move; getting a horse on the other side
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Practical tips: what nipping might tell us; mouthing, balancing for the farrier; and making progress with a wild horse
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Unsettled horses: how to cope in the most stressful situations (under saddle)
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Questions on Anxiety/ Stress related problems
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The Difference Between Lightness & Softness
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Building Trust in Anxious Horses
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Working with Speed: how to get the speed you ask for
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Helping the Release Hunters transform + busting the Myth OTTB's have more Separation Anxiety
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The Difference between Following a Thought + Destinating; help with a horse running out on the lunge and leading; + help for the girthy horses
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Preventing the Over-Reactions (bolting; rearing) plus getting a lead horse on trail
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Help with Gaining Trust on a Wild Stallion
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Where to start with Mark's training? Help for backing (Challenge 3); Approach + Retreat; and long journeys
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How to settle a spooky horse close to home; advice for an explosive horse under-saddle; and one that doesn't keep going
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Help for the slow horses (or the ones that won't budge)
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Helping Nervousness - both in humans and horses
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Getting desensitization right; why a horse leaks at the canter; firm or lenient?
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How to build leadership; how to get an Arab to circle around you with energy; and how to know when to reward/ stop/ release?
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Advice for young horses being mounted + canter aids
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Advice for a horse that is fine under saddle but hates being rugged, brushed, saddled or fed and has taken to biting
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Can you remove a brace that makes a horse want to rear?; how to prepare for a Mark Langley Clinic + how to find holes in your training
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Thoughts on "give your horse a job"; Does a bit help with steering or stopping?; advice for a horse biting the lead rope
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Helping with forward: for a green horse and one at a trot; helping with a pacer trot; helping the horse left behind when you go out
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Why I sometimes circle a horse or back it; what licking/chewing/ yawning means; how to introduce new horses to each other; unfreezing horses
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LEADING: specific advice for getting over the hurdles in particular areas
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How to retrain a horse away from negative learned responses
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How strict should you be about holding focus?
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Is Tom Dorrance an inspiration to me?; Plus help with pack saddle nerves; mouthing; monsters and more
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Defensive Aggression Advice
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Helping a horse to cross water on the way out; getting a pony to trot in hand; tips to help a horse go forward under saddle + advice for a girthy bucking episode
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Helping horses with Connection Disability - out riding; riding alone; field walking; and destination horses
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Advice to help your horse walk out straight ahead of you + trot beside you in hand; advice for a horse whose focus is hard to get; how much does feed play a part in a horse's behaviour?
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Advice on: how to best bring a horse back into work after time off; When is too much?; Do people and horses mis-match?; Training Stallions successfully
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Helping nervous horses on the ground: advice for managing a highly nervous wild horse; how to manage an explosion; how to connect with a mare that does not know your boundary; exercises to help a horse scared of sudden movements;
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Helping horses under saddle: how to re-educate a horse that avoids bit pressure, getting a soft canter after an injury, how to get a good trot-halt
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How to get back in the saddle after a fall, managing a pony that kicks, how to desentitise to a ball + raquet
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Philosophy probe: Mark's thoughts on "moving their feet"; Why use feel with a rope as oppose to guide with energy/ intention; + best videos if new
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Thoughts on "Passenger Riding" + how to set boundaries whilst reintroducing leg aids
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Helping a cranky pony horse; transitioning to bits; signs of stress in a float?; + yawning
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How to help a horse manage their feet and stop tripping
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Are carrrot sticks ever useful? And tips to stop a horse from grabbing mouthfuls of long grass on a ride
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How to avoid a horse biting again & also re-build our confidence?
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How to establish yourself with a new horse; tips for working through some of the Challenge; and how to tell if a reluctant back up is pain related
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Is it okay to let your previously shut-down/ gazy horse now stop and small manure? How to help a kicking trail horse; why I use the indirect rein
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How to avoid creating a circus horse through liberty. Good liberty is good.
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Q & A 2 Nov 2022: ear pinning; leading; and nervy horses
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How to help pick up feet in a horse after an injury/ surgery
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How to get a soft canter online; tips to prepare your horse for starting
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Are all driving pressures bad?; when is your horse ready for long-reining?
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Pefecting the approach & retreat, helping shut down horses, getting your horse to stop with feel
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Having the right mindset & intention: tips to get this right
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Float Loading advice
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How to get a good back up
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De-esculation strategies + how to help with past trauma
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How leading can help SO many situations - floating, rearing, tying up and leading. Plus how to rebalance a horse in the trot using the reins.
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My horse has turned into a "no" horse
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Helping a paddock mate not go nuts when separated + tips for preparing a horse to ride on roads
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Planting feet: how to help horses go forwards + advice for accepting the bit for trails
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How to get a canter in a roundyard without a chase? Exercises to try for a horse that trots fast for home; how to get a horse better at turning;
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Keeping horses calm; solo horses; and advice when purchasing
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Are there different anxiety types or is all anxiety the same? Is mouthiness in a gelding aggressive? Helping a mare who blocks with her head
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Which breeds are easier to connect with? Do horses have up and down cycles in training? Using a click/ cluck
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How my training is different
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Can you combine different horsemanship techniques? How to build balance + softness in ex-pacer; how to teach a horse to side pass without brace
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How to address rearing; advice for anxiety when leading; and how to do good ponying
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Where to start to get a connection; how to manage aggression after a clinic; advice for loading a horse that won't self load
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22 videos in series.

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26 videos in series.

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22 videos in series.

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17 videos in series.

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10 videos in series.

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If you only had a bit of time, what is the most important thing to get right? Plus advice for horses that bite.
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How to get your horse to have more energy without constantly asking for it
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